3 Bedroom plus study no price drop

With the introduction of HIPs and the Energy performance certificate needed only on 4 bedroom homes and larger.

There has been much debate on what would happen to the price of your 4 bedroom home, if you decided to avoid all the fuss over HIPs and Market it as 3 bedrooms plus study, or even 4 rooms upstairs plus bathroom and en-suite, and save £700 in the process.

Your 4 bedroom home now becomes, 3 bedroom with upstairs study,  or as in the house sale below 4 rooms.

This 4 bedroom home sold for the asking price and not a mention of bedrooms.

Home for sale

Living room dining room, reception cloaks, fitted kitchen, all the usual things except when it came to upstairs.

This home has en-suite plus bathroom and 4 rooms.

 He received 12 calls and  the house was sold for the asking price of £275000.

All this is perfectly legal, David Marsden, the head of the property  at law firm Matthew Arnold and Baldwin.
“We will start seeing three-bedroom houses advertised with a dining room on the first floor and an upstairs lounge – and ‘oh dear, we just seem to be storing a bed in there’.”

There are some pro hips web sites, telling you that 3 bedroom homes will be cheaper, that is correct.

But you are not selling a 3 bedroom home as we have proven, you are selling a home with 4 rooms upstairs plus bathroom and there is no drop in price…

Home sellers packs another nail..

Have you noticed what all these pro Hips, pro epc energy performance certificate sites,  and home information pack providers have in common.

They do not give you the full facts, for example not on any of these sites will you find facts such as.

The official Government impact assessment into Home information packs and the EPC, which was slipped out this week, says tens of thousands of potential sellers will be put off by the £700 cost of the packs, due to be launched on August 1.

The study predicts the number of homes on sale will fall by at least 10 per cent.

Pushing house prices up, bad news for first time buyers. Something HIPs was supposed to help.

Here is a legal fact for you.

David Marsden, the head of  law firm Matthew Arnold and Baldwin, said that there was no official definition of a bedroom.

He said: “We will start seeing three-bedroom houses advertised with a dining room on the first floor and an upstairs lounge – and ‘oh dear, we just seem to be storing a bed in there’.

He said that there would be no comeback under the Property Misdescriptions Act if a four-bedroom house is described as having three bedrooms and a study”

Under planning law, it is about whether rooms are habitable, not whether they are bedrooms or not.”.

Which is what Ruth Kelly admitted to

 “There is no legal definition of what constitutes a four bedroom house, for instance if a bedroom is being used as a study”.

None of those sites will mention or tell you this,  these are the legal facts not fiction. Save your £700 be HIPs and EPC free.

If you have 5 minutes, take this site for example HIPs paranoia just spin and more spin. Just what you need when looking for facts. 

From this site “I am not a domestic energy assessor, nor a HIP provider, in fact I have no connection with this industry whatsoever.

I am just a concerned citizen who supports the drive towards reducing climate change, and finds the uninformed rhetoric of those opposed to EPCs and HIPs a discgrace.” Of course you are, and of course you know HIPs has nothing to do with climate change.